Classic Message Sending Twenty-first Century Style

All throughout history, man has been trying to find the perfect way to send a message. Cavemen wrote on the walls of their homes, lords and ladies communicated through falcons, and the Pony Express raced heartfelt epistles to distant loved ones. Whether the messages were sealed with wax or rolled up in a bottle, it was always the hope of the sender that they would have a huge impact on the one they were intended to impress.

2014-05-02_2348Today we live in a world of fast moving societies and rapidly changing technology. No one would ever wait around for a carrier pigeon or a runner to deliver a message. Constantly checked emails, instant messaging, and texting are the chosen way of communication. And no one is complaining, because it’s fast, easy and suits today’s lifestyle perfectly. A more personal touch type of message is easily passed up for the convenience and accessibility of electronic messages.

Well, what would you think about the opportunity to combine today’s love of whiz bang technology with the romance and sentiment of one of Mother Nature’s most beautiful creations, the flower? In this way one could give their messages the desired classic and sentimental feel, and still be able to compete with today’s futuristic demands.

A company by the name of Speaking Roses in Salt Lake City, Utah has patented the process to print on live, fresh flowers, giving new meaning to the old saying, “Say it with Flowers”. This means that heartfelt messages, handwritten notes, and company logos can be printed on the petals of flowers to make the perfect love note, invitation, or advertisement. And as if that were not enough, they’ve raised the bar in message sending by enabling their customers to create video messages that can be embedded into the petal of a rose or other flower. This means that the romantic and meaningful gift of a flower can enable the recipient to view a personalized video message simply by holding the flower in front of a webcam or smartphone.

In today’s era of personalization, this gives advertisers and Romeos alike the opportunity to send a message that will be unique and noteworthy. Those who receive a video message on a flower will be very unlikely to forget its significance. Advertisers will find it easier to get the attention of their market when their calling card is a flower that speaks and activates a video.

If you think you could use the opportunity this technology offers, check what Speaking Roses now!

Put A Video Message Right On A Flower

Today’s era of personalization with a technological touch is perfect for this innovative idea that combines technology with real emotion.  The idea combines Mother Nature with Star Wars technology, for a punch that’s hard to beat!

ImageBefore you decide on a gift for that special someone, or how to advertise your new product, check out a recent merging of technology with communication.  We’ve always had the ability to create home videos, but the hassle of making them prevents  us from using them except for special occasions.  Well, just imagine creating a video instantly by hitting a few keys on your computer, and then attaching the video almost like magic to the petals of a live, fresh flower.  This flower can then be waved in front of a webcam or smartphone and your video message is activated.  Because the process is so easy, video messages can easily be used for any and every occasion, whether it be an invitation to an event, directions to a party, a special message, or even an advertisement.

Video Flowers, currently being launched by Speaking Roses, promises to do for the floral industry what Star Wars did for the movie industry, by allowing video messages and 3D images to be embedded directly to the petals of live or silk flowers.  These videos and their ease of use will change communication, and the floral industry, forever.

In today’s changing business world, smart marketers will be able to be more competitive by using this technology as an advertising medium that is miles ahead of the rest.  Anyone who has a digital recording device can easily send loved ones a bouquet with their personal video message attached, capitalizing on the opportunity to speak to their loved ones’ emotions in a way never before possible.

Speaking Roses has gained widespread attention from Hollywood, as celebrities like Tom Cruise, Movie Director Alan Alda, Barbara Walters, and Janet Jackson, among many, many others, have used this unique product. It has also been used at prestigious events like Miss America, the Oscar Nominations, the Grammy Awards, the Kentucky Derby, The Rose Bowl and even used in some soap operas in other countries.

Speaking Roses products have been featured in more than 30 programs in the United States like Good Morning America, E Entertainment, Extra, Access Hollywood, Ellen DeGeneres Show, and many others around the world, and also in over 100 publications globally in newspapers and magazines like Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Inc. Magazine, In Touch Magazine and People Magazine.

Speaking Roses is already in over 30 countries and is projected to be in over 100 countries in less than 5 years.  Entrepreneurs can get in on this ground breaking opportunity and change the way the world views communication.

New, Incredible Technology- Flower Printers!

2014-03-07_0246Technology never ceases to amaze me. There is always new and improved technology of every kind to use daily in any situation. For example, the 3rd generation iPad was just announced. I still haven’t even caught up with the first and second generation to be honest. Technology is constantly adapting to the needs of the human race. One piece of technology I recently came across was the flower printer. This was whole new concept to me, and I became absorbed in the idea of it. Printing on fresh, live flowers… how? It must ruin the flower I thought.

Well it didn’t take long for me to discover it doesn’t ruin the beauty of the flower at all, if you have the right kind of flower printer. There are a few different avenues I could take to obtain a flower printer. I found several companies in Asia and watched their methods of printing on YouTube. They had to paint a kind of glue over half the flower to make the ink stay. I have to say, this kind of flower printer didn’t look too far off from what I’ve got sitting next to my computer at home. With my patience level, it seemed like quite the process as they went through steps. For me, technology is all about the fastest and most efficient way. So I kept looking and found the flower printer I expected for today’s technological advancements.

Speaking Roses is a US based company that originally created flower printers. They have designed flower printers that print 8-10 roses per minute. There is no glue involved. Their website states that the flower printer is so easy to use an 8 year old could do it! Their technology is not posted online, and patented, which explains why other flower printers cannot mimic or compare. In comparing the outcome of these two flower printers, there was a noticeable difference in quality. I discovered the glue from the first flower printer was visible; a shiny, plastic look. Whereas the Speaking Rose flower printer was embossed with quality ink that gave a very professional appearance.

Further research led me to find that the Speaking Rose flower printer is easy to transport and ship to various locations around the world. The functions and levers are simple and user friendly, no previous machine experience is necessary. The flower printer is easy to store at either a home or business location. I watched the Speaking Roses Channel on YouTube and viewed several testimonies of licensees discussing the Speaking Roses company and the quality of the flower printer. Speaking Roses invites their licensees to come to their corporate office for a 3 day hands on training to give each licensee everything they need to not only use the flower printer, but to begin their own business opportunity. So not only is the flower printer available for my own personal use, but I can even make money with it as a stay at home mother! If you want a flower printer, Speaking Roses is the company to purchase them from.

Where Are All The Flowers?

When you think of flowers, what holidays come to mind? Valentine’s Day? Mother’s Day? What about the different occasions and events where you typically find flowers? You’re probably thinking of weddings and funerals, right? Well, your eyes are about to be opened!Image

The flower industry is changing. Why? Because of Speaking Roses! Speaking Roses has invented and patented a flower printer, which has the ability to print anything (logos, images, icons, phrases, handwritten messages, photos, etc.) directly onto live, fresh flowers! This flower printer, which was invented and patented by Speaking Roses, has literally revolutionized the way that flowers are used today. Now, flowers are a great way to decorate for every holiday and season throughout the year – Christmas, Easter, even Halloween! When you have a product like the Speaking Roses, the uses and possibilities are endless.

Speaking Roses also allows flowers to be used for all types of occasions. Personalized flowers can be used for anniversaries, birthdays, baby showers, or any “just because” occasion. Begging for forgiveness? Put a dozen “I’m Sorry” roses in the arms of that person, and I imagine it will be pretty difficult for them to stay mad!

Now, here’s the best part. Because Speaking Roses has seen such success and a huge explosion in demand of our product, we decided to share the wealth and give everyone the opportunity to have a piece of this new industry potential. We are now offering the license to own and operate a Speaking Roses flower printer in your place of business, floral shop, or home. Our flower printer is so compact that we even have licensees who successfully operate out of their apartment or garage! No business or floral experience is required to start this venture. We provide all the supplies, equipment, training and support that you need!

If you want to know more, visit us at here, where you can read all about what we do and where we have been.